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Providing Helpful Resources

How are you Dealing with Your Financial Disappointment?

We have all dealt with minor to catastrophic disappointments with our finances. When your journey seems to be smooth sailing, that Iceberg seems to always appear and cause you to get off course. You developed a plan for your money and have navigated through several...

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Back Door Robbery

My 1962 home is in need of a back door. The current door is probably the original door and provides no insulation during those very frigid days of winter. The single pane window frosts up and the draft around the seal feels like a blowing air conditioner extending a...

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Are you using your wipers during the storm?

We have seen some severe storms over the past two days. As I was driving in a torrential downpour this morning, my vision would have been obscured by the heavy rain that was beating against the glass if it weren't for my windshield wipers. With every oscillating...

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What’s your financial Fitbit?

I received a Fitbit for my birthday. A Fitbit is a small wireless device that is used to track my activity throughout the day and night. When worn during the day, this device will monitor the number of steps I take and the distance I walked. The Fitbit can be worn at...

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Who Planned YOUR Journey?

If it wasn't WayPoints Financial Services, then why not? WayPoints Financial Services consists of four highly skilled Financial Coaches who call themselves Navigators. They were all trained by the Dave Ramsey, Lampo Group in Brentwood, Tennessee and bring diverse...

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Are You Lost in the Abyss?

When I took my first Ocean Cruise, I was mesmerized by the vastness of the sea and the visible horizon that spanned 360 degrees around the ship's deck. I was taken aback by the fact that my journey, although plotted and pre-planned, was taking me across an...

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DISCLAIMER:  We do not sell any financial products, investments, instruments or endorse any financial service providers.  Financial Navigation (Coaching) is designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with specific regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the WayPoints Financial Navigator is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, investment or other licensed professional advice.  Since your situation is fact-dependent, if needed, you must additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, investment or other professional.

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