WayPoints Financial Freedom Journey

Navigate Your Financial Journey

WayPoint 7 - Homeward Bound

Save 20% Down Payment to Purchase House | Acquire 20% Equity in current House | Refinance Mortgage to 15 Year Term or Less
(Create ownership, minimize market value risks and eliminate PMI)

WayPoint 8

– Forging Ahead

Invest 15% of household income towards Retirement
(Move ahead steadily and make progress

– NavEd

Fund Children’s Education (ESA | 529 | State Funded Plans)
(Invest in education and eliminate student loan debt risk)

– Home Free

Pay off Primary Residence and Other Mortgage Debt (Refinance to 15 Year Term or Less)
(Eliminate the last risk and ensure a successful journey to Financial Freedom)

WayPoint 9 - Flying Colours and Paying Out

Build Wealth and Give
(Celebrate your successful Journey and sail into Financial Freedom;  Fly your flags and pennants up high and continue to succeed, give generously and leave a legacy)


WayPoint 6 - Safe Zone

Save 3 – 6 Months of Living Expenses
(Complete your Safe Zone and self-insure to protect yourself from major assaults or emergencies)

WayPoint 5 - DebtWave

Payoff All Secured and Unsecured Debts from Lowest to Highest Balances (Not including Primary Residence)
(Create progress with powerful wave energy, starting with small waves then moving to larger waves)

WayPoint 4 - Buffer Zone

Save a Budget Cushion and Initial Emergency Fund ($1000 – $2500)
(Protect your Safe Zone from minor assaults)


WayPoint 1 - FOCUS

FOP Method

Focus: Target your financial and life goals

– this is where hope happens

– create clear vision of what you want to accomplish

– set attainable goals based on that vision

  – 90 Day Goals

  – 6 Month Goals

  – 1 Year Goals

  – 5 Year Goals

  – Lifetime Goals 



WayPoint 2 - Organize

FOP Method

Organize: Create a simple written and detailed CashFlow Plan

– this is where we start to create a plan

– Income

– Expenses

  – Fixed <- mortgage, rent, etc

  – Variable <- activities, eating out, gift giving

  – Future <- house, car maintenance, vacation etc (saving for future expenses)

  – Taxes & Employee Benefits

    – Retirement Planning

  – Emergency Funding

WayPoint 3 - Prioritize

FOP Method

Prioritize: design your journey towards financial freedom

– this is where you execute your plan

– Essential expenses (needs)

    – Food

    – Housing

    – Utilities

    – Transportation

    – Clothing

  – Non-Essential expenses (wants)

– Life Shield <-Protect yourself and family against unforeseen circumstances

    – Insurance Plans <- What are the critical insurances you need in your life? (Life, Health, Auto, Disability, Home Owners/Renters, Identity Theft, Long Term Care)

    – Will & Testaments <- Importance of having these created.

    – Power of Attorneys <- Who is going to make your Financial & Health decisions if you can’t? 

    – Legacy/Estate Planning <- What happens with your money and estate when you die?

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DISCLAIMER:  We do not sell any financial products, investments, instruments or endorse any financial service providers.  Financial Navigation (Coaching) is designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with specific regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the WayPoints Financial Navigator is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, investment or other licensed professional advice.  Since your situation is fact-dependent, if needed, you must additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, investment or other professional.

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